Non-Profit Information & Donations
This non-profit organization was created with the goal of acquiring donated funds that would enable us to serve the individuals and families who can least afford (and are often in greatest need of) our services. Consider any donation, regardless of its size, as a gift to a family in need.
Your donation may be earmarked for a particular fund:
- Secure Beginnings Early Parenting Program Launch fund: help us establish and launch this program which was developed to help prevent child abuse and educate parents about the importance of establishing a healthy attachment.
- Office Visit Fee-Assistance fund: help us offset the cost of therapy for those experiencing financial difficulties which prohibit them from beginning or continuing therapy.
- Let’s Play fund: help us purchase therapeutic toys, games, and art supplies for the children and families we serve.
- Education fund: help us offset the expense of community education (we currently offer it for no compensation) to enable us to develop highly specialized trainings and programs for the public.
- General fund: help us purchase updated office equipment (including PCs, printers, phones), print promotional materials (including letterhead, informational brochures, and handouts), and meet the cost of our daily operating expenses (including insurance, rent and repair expenses, assessments, trainings for our staff, executive director salary, and more).
If you would like to know more about any of the above listed funds, contact our offices. Dr. Teresa Lear, our Executive Director, is available to answer any questions you may have about CATS and how its funds are used. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent the law allows. All donors will receive a personalized thank-you letter which may be used as a record for your donation.
Yes! I'd like to Donate to CATS
Please click the "Donate" button below to make an online donation to CATS.
Donations may also be made by check and mailed to our offices.
Make checks payable to "Center for Attachment & Trauma Services."
We thank you for your generosity!